Underwater Welding & Commercial Diving Salary

The salary of a Commercial Diver / Underwater Welder is determined by:

  • Industry Dive Experience
  • The Employer
  • The Location
  • Depth of the dive
Salary & Stats for Commercial Diving & Underwater Welding

Find out Where Commercial Divers & Underwater Welders Work and How to begin a career in Commercial Diving & Underwater Welding:

Training at DIT Helps Divers Find Work Around the World

DIT offers you the underwater welding training you’ll need as well as the specialized programs necessary to work in the underwater construction industry.

Underwater Welding Courses

Include topside welding skillsunderwater weldingunderwater cutting and burning and more. You’ll use industry-standard tools like Broco© rods, grinders, and oxy-acetylene cutting tools in learning to weld and inspect the quality of your welds to improve your skills day by day.

DIT is one of few dive schools in the U.S. to be internationally certified by the DCBC. These certifications allow our graduates to dive all over the world. DIT training is conducted in open water, giving students real-world experience not duplicated in pools, tanks or quarries. Learn more about commercial diving courses with DIT and find out how the Post-9/11 GI Bill® can help with tuition costs.

Veteran Owned & Veteran Operated

Divers Institute of Technology has been training divers for commercial diving careers since 1968 and is VA Approved.

Military & Veterans

Learning underwater welding is a key part of our Commercial Diver Program. Commercial diving is a competitive industry, and DIT trains its divers in the necessary skills to compete.

Underwater Welding at DIT